Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Errors in the exchange of links

On Google ranking, many people know that link is a very important factor, many people are principles that link the factory.

However, Google or other search engine ranking, your link to more, and here's the link that is more effective links, or links are higher quality, not the kind of cheating ah what the address, then Such examples are common, that is, just do a website on the search engines caught, and this is why? very simple way is to do the links, in fact there is nothing mysterious, as opposed to a number of unpopular Key words, you need only some key words in its title Riga, keyword optimization, the written description, alt attributes increase, the do under the Links, then your website within the meaning of words in the search engine rankings surely up, but still very front rank.閭d箞閾炬帴鏄枃瀛楃殑濂借繕鏄浘鐗囩殑濂藉憿?杩欒繕鏈夎鍚?鑲畾鏄枃瀛楅摼鎺ョ殑濂藉挴锛岃繕鏈夐摼鎺ョ殑鏃跺?鎴戜滑涓?畾瑕佹兂娓呮锛屽鏂圭殑缃戠珯鏄笉鏄綘鐨勫悓琛岀殑锛屽鏋滄槸鍚岃鐨勫氨OK锛屾湁寰堝浜洪兘涓嶆兂鍜屽悓琛岀殑鍋氶摼鎺ヨ繖鏍峰Google涓婄殑鎺掑悕娌℃湁浠?箞甯姪鐨勶紝浣犱笉鍋氬悓琛岀殑閾炬帴涓昏鏄洜涓轰綘鎬曚粬鎶㈣蛋浜嗕綘鐨勫崟瀛愶紝鍏跺疄涓嶆槸杩欐牱鐨勶紝鍋氱敓鎰忚繕鏈夊緢澶氱殑鍥犵礌鍦ㄩ噷闈紝鍏夐潬杩欑偣鏄笉琛岀殑锛岀浉淇℃瘡涓汉閮介潪甯告竻妤氳繖鐐圭殑銆?br />

銆??1銆佷笉瑕佷互涓篜R瓒婇珮瓒婂ソ銆?br />





銆??褰撶劧锛屾瘡鏍蜂簨鎯呴兘浼氭湁涓ら潰鎬с?閾炬帴鏁拌秺澶氳秺濂芥槸鎸囷紝閾惧叆鐨勭綉绔欎笉浣嗘槸鍚岀被鐨勭綉绔欙紝鑰屼笖杩樻槸璐ㄩ噺寰堥珮鐨勭綉绔?楂樿川閲忕殑鍒嗙被鐩綍涔熸槸涓?)銆傚湪杩欑瑙傚康(閾炬帴鏁伴噺瓒婂瓒婂ソ)鐨勯┍浣夸笅锛屽緢澶氫汉閮芥嫾鍛界殑鎵鹃摼鎺ワ紝鐗瑰埆鏄厤璐圭殑鑷姪閾炬帴銆傚叾瀹炶繖鏍峰仛鏄櫨瀹宠?鏃犱竴鍒╃殑锛屽緢澶氭悳绱㈠紩鎿庢浘琛ㄧず瀵硅繖涓瀮鍦鹃摼鎺ヨ繘琛屾儵缃氱殑(濡傛灉浣犺繕杩涜鐨勮瘽锛屽姖鍛婁綘涓?彞锛氳刀蹇敹鎵嬩簡!)銆?br />

1, to see whether the linked site has been included in major search engines update their search engines how often (in the search results you can see the last update time dividend, more than three days if not updated, it will not display) ; if the chain into the major search engines your site is also updated frequently, then your site will account for a lot of light. Because search engines will also link to update the site accordingly, so you do not need to go to the search engine company Jiaoqian to help you updated (such as "Baidu")


3, it was included most of the pages within the site; if a site of good quality, reasonable structure, then that is such a Web site popular search engine favor. The number of pages your PR value is directly proportional.褰撶劧锛屾湁鐨勭綉绔欒闄ゆ暟鏀跺綍浜?000澶氫釜椤甸潰锛岃?鏈夌殑鍙敹褰曚簡80澶氫釜銆?The latter will certainly be very bad. We see how much your ratio, not only the number. If the former has only a collection of some 100,000 more than 2000 pages, this is not considered a very good web site, which contains only 100 to more than 80. Obviously the latter is much higher quality than the earlier ones had to be. This site would be a good exchange of objects.


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